Therapy is not just a weekly conversation; it is a collaborative journey and an investment in self-care, aimed at fostering a more fulfilling and authentic experience of life.
When you are in therapy, you collaborate with a trained, licensed professional who will support and guide you in nonjudgmental and caring ways as you navigate change and re-author your life experiences.
Why therapy? How can it help?
The chances are if you are thinking about therapy you are also thinking about shifting something with regards to who you are, what you have, or what you do.
Therapy isn’t just a time and space where you get to slow down and focus on supporting, nurturing, and caring for yourself; it is also a place of growth, development, and transformative change.

Therapy can help address a range of things such as:
Recovering from trauma, chaos, and significant emotional events.
Resolving conflicts and uneasiness in relationships.
Rejuvenating areas of your life in which you want to experience more purpose and clarity.
Rexaming habits and behaviors that you notice are getting in your, or other people’s, way.
Coping with the effects of being a human being in today’s world.
What are the benefits of therapy?
The people I collaborate with have shared that they have experienced the following benefits through their journey with me:
A greater ability to live in the now and be liberated from triggers and anchors binding them to past events.
Being increasingly in touch with their own agency and personal sovereignty.
Significant reduction in the frequency and intensity of conflict in relationships.
A greater acceptance of who they are, where they are at, and what they have as well as greater clarity in who they want to become and where they want to take their life.
Improvements in their ability to name, claim, and build better boundaries.
What happens in therapy with DDS?

As we begin our collaboration, I will want to spend time learning about who you are and how you have become who you are. I like to think of this as an onboarding or orientation period, where you share with me the aspects of your background and history that you feel comfortable sharing. We will proceed at a pace that feels right for you.
I’m very interested in your goals and what you hope to achieve through our work together. If you’re unsure about what those goals might be, that’s perfectly okay; we can co-author and articulate your desired outcomes together.
As we move forward and deepen our collaboration, each week we will discuss whatever is most important to you. I will listen intently and empathically, ask exploratory questions, and be a thoughtful partner in helping you explore and re-narrate your experiences.
My approach is grounded in the narrative worldview, which draws from poststructural and social constructionist theories. Together, we will deconstruct grand narratives and challenge taken-for-granted social discourses, empowering you to reclaim your agency and craft a meaningful, joyful life. Our work will be person-respectful, trauma-informed, sex-positive, and culturally humble, honoring your unique experiences and identities.